- .mov are the only acceptable file formats. no swfs will be accepted.
- all projects delivered to my CAS dropbox no later than 7:45am wednesday nov 10. anything time-stamped 7:46 or later will receive a zero. only documented personal issues will be excepted.
- filename: lastname_na_project7a, lastname_na_project7b, etc.
- statement about what you learned posted to your blog, labeled "na" or whatever label you are using to denote this class. consider answering the following questions:
- how have you deepened your understanding of theory such as story structure, plot, etc?
- what new things have you discovered about using communication channels of image, voice, music, text, sound effects?
- what new things have you learned about the specific qualities of motion, duration, or transitions?
- what have you learned about how design principles (balance, contrast, direction/motion, emphasis, rhythm, unity)can play out over time on the screen?
- what process-related things have you learned (storyboarding, planning, production, etc)?
- what form-related or technology-related things have you learned?
- any process work for this project posted to your blog and properly labeled. refer to previous posts for basic expectations in this area.
the crit structure is as follows:
- provide a very brief setup, explaining the context for the work – where it appears, what the basic purpose is. other than that, the work should basically speak for itself.
- frank and josh will lead with initial impressions, the good, the bad, the ugly.
- other classmates may join in after that.
- eight minutes total for each student.
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